Scarecrows Coming SOON


WHO'S READY FOR FALL!?!? Our favorite season and SCARECROW TOWN is officially here!

Coshocton is again going Scarecrow CRAZY this fall! Anyone in Coshocton County can register a scarecrow or scarecrow scene to place in front of their business, organization, or home. If you need a place to put your scarecrow, fret not! Clary Gardens has plenty of room for your creation -- And this year, scarecrows at Clary Gardens have NO registration fee! That's right - FREE entrance into the 2022 contest!
If you register your scarecrow or scarecrow scene before October 1st, you will get $5 off! Pricing is as follows (before Oct. 1):
Businesses: $20 ($25 after 10/01/2022)
Non-profit Organization: $10 ($15 after 10/01/2022)
Residential 'Crows': $5 ($10 after 10/01/2022)
Along the 'Scarecrow Walking Trail' at Clary Gardens: **FREE** -- Call us and we'll help you with placement! 740-622-6524
Register today at
Click HERE to connect via email.

Featured "Crow" is:
"Sheree Scissorhands" 2021's 3rd Place Pop Culture Crow Winner