Children's Summer Programming Has Started!


Experience the Magic of Nature at Clary Gardens!

This summer, Clary Gardens will be transformed into Clary “Potter” Gardens in honor of the 25th anniversary of the release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone book. In conjunction with this theme, our Children’s Summer Programming will be exploring the magical elements of nature. We will be using our “wizarding” eyes to investigate nature and learn about ecosystems that we are a part of in Ohio.Throughout the summer, we will utilize the onsite woodlands, creeks, ponds, stone outcroppings, and have activities located in our other garden areas- such as the children’s garden, amphitheater, and new pavilion.

Clary Gardens is a unique class site, as we have the ability to fully immerse students into whatever we are studying. Each week, we will approach a different subject to help children better understand the world around them. Ohio landscape has a rich history and includes many diverse ecosystems. We will be pulling different elements from thisand delving into how they have impacted us in the past, and their importance to our current and future survival. Our program has a specific focus on Ohio ecosystems and the development of Ohio landscapes. It is an opportunity for our children to learn about animals and geography that we are exposed to everyday. In addition to our onsite resources, we will also be bringing in two expert groups to further engage our little wizards.

We are so excited to host magical visits from Midwest Falconry and the 2022 Butterfly Exhibit during our summer programming this year. These events also have additional availability to the community, at no charge. Midwest Falconry will preform two shows on 6/14.The noon show will be a part of the children’s programming, and there will be an additional show at 2 pm- both are open to the public. The 2022 Butterfly exhibit will be a part of the Tuesday children’s programming, but is open to the public 6/28, 29, 30, 7/1 & 2; 10 am- 4pm, and 7/3; 12pm-4pm. We really enjoy the ability to share these events with our children, but even more the ability to share these events with the entire community. Getting excited about nature has no age cap!

Clary Gardens hosts the Children’s Programming on Tuesdays, and our classes are divided into two age groups, held at9:30am-10:30am (pre-K-2nd), and 10:00am-11:00am (3rd & up), we have an overlapping group activity from 10:00am-10:30am. All classes are held at Clary Gardens and begin by meeting at the “Great Hall” (aka our new pavilion space). Pre-registration is required, and cost is $1/child/class.

This year’s themes are:

5/31: Welcome to the Great Hall! (Class introduction, group planting, and Fantastic Beast hunt)

6/7: Muggle Art (Exploring mythical creatures *Gryffindor* & Bird Activities *Ravenclaw*)

6/14: Falconry 101: Birds of Prey (Midwest Falconry Demonstration **This is a time change of NOON** (No Class Cap) Feel free to bring the whole family to see raptors take the sky!)

6/21: Intro to Night Vision (Exploring nocturnal animals *Hufflepuff*)

6/28: Magic of Metamorphosis (Butterfly Exhibit and other activities (No Class Cap))

7/5: Hogwarts P.E. (Frog-a-palooza and Quidditch (No Class Cap))

7/12: Care of Magical Creatures (Importance of snakes to our ecosystem and Creeking *Slytherin*)

7/19: Clary Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Explore our onsite sandstone outcroppings and learn about how rocks are formed- via FOOD (No Class Cap))

If you have any questions, AND TO REGISTER for above classes, please email our Education Coordinator, Jodi Shrimplin, at *REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.